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Go in in a sentence

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Sentence count:255+22Posted:2017-05-31Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: come inenterget inget intogo intomove intoSimilar words: goinggo intogo in forongoingoutgoingforegoingeasygoingeasy goingMeaning: v. to come or go into. 
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91 I looked through the window, but I didn't actually go in.
92 I've been brought in to troubleshoot - to go in, sort out the problem, and get out again.
93 I keep trying to understand how a computer works, but it doesn't seem to go in.
94 That space is too small, the bookcase won't go in.
95 Don't go in my room - it's a mess.
96 I don't go in for serious boyfriends.
97 I knew better than to go in.
98 They go in for querulous and disputatious argument.
99 Anyway(Sentence dictionary), you go in the plant in the morning.
100 Don't go in now - she hates being interrupted.
101 Receivers go in at Formula One racing team.
102 "Shall we go in here?'' Calvin indicated the cafe.
103 Jon doesn't go in much for philosophizing.
104 Should she go in for a drink?
105 Well, me don't swim too tough so me don't go in the water too deep. Bob Marley 
106 I've got a chance to go in with a women's group up Manchester way.
107 When I go in to make a record, we make a new record.
108 But the congressional intelligence committees are like a black box. Things go in without anything coming out.
109 But the troops will only go in for humanitarian reasons including the protection of supplies.
110 The money is to go in a penalty box kept by Grandmother; the proceeds will go to a charity.
111 Let's see how you rate in that area. What do you think we go in for, here in Perugia?
112 Nomatterwhere we go in space, nor how far back in time, we find power.
113 All 2,060 workers will go in a town which is already an unemployment blackspot.
114 The homunculus seems to remember where to go in the stacks.
115 With one lap to go in the race, Petty's car blew a tire.
116 She had no doubt it would be a very bad idea for them to go in search of Oliver and Cobalt.
117 But you also go in, these days, for running repairs.
118 She swallowed deeply, wondering just how far he would go in order to try to force her to comply with his will.
119 She had a job in Frisco; she had to take the Greyhound bus at the crossroads and go in every day.
120 Furthermore, should the unit go in before or after my chorus and delay pedals?
More similar words: goinggo intogo in forongoingoutgoingforegoingeasygoingeasy goingkeep goinggoing concerngo into hidinggoitergoitreegoistegoismjingoismegoisticcooking oiljingoisticdo injoinloincoinpointgroinjointheroinquoinCOINSrejoin
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